because Tecnologie


because Italy and because Germany , hereinafter called because Group shall make every effort, in regard to the electronic form of the service, to keep all your documents and personal information absolutely confidential.

Davide Osta is Data protection officer of the because Group.

Information relating to all services or product installation and any information you send to because Group shall be treated with complete confidentiality. because Group shall not publicly disclose in any way this information without previous written authorization from the customer, with the exception of collaborators or subcontractors previously authorized by because Group to perform their jobs.

These guarantees shall not be applicable in the event that because Group is required by law to communicate such information, or in the event that such information becomes public domain, independently of disclosure of such information by because Group.

Privacy Statement

because Group has written this privacy statement to demonstrate its complete respect of your privacy. The text below describes the practices for collecting and distributing information in because Group‘s possession. This document refers to the following domains:

Collected Information

because Group uses forms, phone calls and E-mails to acquire information related to business purposes. In addition to your full name, information for billing and future business purposes is also registered.
because Group saves your data information on a server located in the Italian premise, on OneDrive for business and in our CMS-system Bitrix24, located in the USA. We make sure that the statutory conditions for the cross-border use of personal details are fulfilled. because Group will send you the privacy and legal conditions of Bitrix24 and of OneDrive for business at any time. Submit a request to or

Data Access:

The following departments of because Group have access to the data:

  • Marketing and Sales department for commercial and marketing information
  • Accounting department for invoicing and payments
  • Project managers of the technical departments for managing the ongoing projects
  • Recruiting department for contacting and registering suppliers and the CVs in our database.

Treatment of personal data

because Group has defined specific personal data policies, depending on the kind of data.

Upon request we will send you the privacy policy of our partners where we are hosting our data.

We will send your data treatment policy at any time. Submit a request to or


We send you E-mails for different reasons. Our communication may also include information about our services, until you remove your consent for such usage, which you can do at any time by writing to or

Any E-mails we send are saved by us and will not be deleted during the statutory retention period.

because Group has no automatic profiling system.

We use service providers from Italy to send our E-mails. We make sure that the statutory conditions for the cross-border use of personal details are fulfilled.


because Group is official partner of Quanos Solutions GmbH and Systran S.A. In case of purchasing any of their technology or services because Group will send your contact information to them. For their privacy policy refer to:

Supplier Policy

The personal information of our suppliers (for example: translators, interpreters, graphic designers, consultants, technical writers, etc.) are processed with confidentiality. Information including full name, date of birth, addresses and telephone numbers are only used by because Group and its authorized suppliers (e.g. accounting firms, banks, etc.) for purposes related to current jobs. We never request and collect sensitive data. Nevertheless, CVs sent by suppliers might contain not requested sensitive data. The employees of because Group have exclusive access to the CVs for internal purposes related to project management. Eventual sensitive data are ignored completely. The CVs are saved on OneDrive for businessbecause Group will send you the privacy and legal conditions of OneDrive for business at any time. Submit a request to or

Right to Change or Delete Information

All your personal data are saved in our database until they are not needed anymore for business purpose.

You may change your personal data or ask for them to be deleted at any time, as stipulated by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.

Send an e-mail to or

Navigation data and cookies

Navigation data

The computer systems and programs used for the website’s operation collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (e.g. IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI [Uniform Resource Identifiers] of resources requested, the time of request, method used to submit the request to the server, file size obtained in response, numerical code for the status of the response submitted by the server – successful, error, etc., and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment). Although this sort of information is not collected to be associated with identified users, through processing and in association with data held by third parties, it could by its very nature allow for users to be identified.

These data types are used solely to obtain statistical information pertaining to the website’s usage and serve to check the site’s correct operation; they are thus not associated with any given user ID and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of computer crimes against the site: with the exception of this eventuality, data on web contacts are currently not held for more than seven days.


Cookies are small text files sent by websites visited by users to their computers, storing information that will be retrieved on the next visit to the site. While surfing a given website, users may receive on their computers cookies transmitted from different sites (so-called ‘third-party’ cookies), as specific links to the web pages of other domains.

Cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, depending on the sites on which they are installed; they can be used as a method of information authentication, to monitor sessions, or store specific data on users accessing the server.

Types of Cookies

Technical cookies: these are “strictly necessary” to ensure the website’s operability or to provide services explicitly requested by the user (e.g. preserving selected travel solutions, memorizing the browser navigation language setting, etc.).

Functionality cookies: the website uses these cookies to facilitate its fruition (e.g. to store information gathered within a single web browser session and entered by users in forms while surfing through the different pages, or the use of the password memorization function), as well as cookies for collecting information with the aim of directing targeted promotional messages based on user preferences and profiles, even in real time, and developed on the basis of statistics and each user’s browsing experience. The installation of such cookies requires the user’s prior consent.

Analytics cookies: the website makes use of this type of cookies to analyse accesses and visits to the site, solely for statistical purposes, by collecting information in an aggregated form. The use of such cookies does not require consent. However, users can request at any time that analytics cookies be deactivated by following the instructions outlined below. For further information, please refer to the privacy policy of Google Analytics and Google Adword.

You have the right to accept or refuse the use of cookies at any time, or to remove any cookies previously accepted by changing your browser settings.

However, with cookies disabled on your browser, you will no longer be able to make use of all of the website’s services and features.